(Revised 1/1/08 ML 3118)
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It is the responsibility of a new applicant to complete or arrange for the completion of the licensing application paperwork. (Section 05-20-15)
All forms, along with the licensing fee, must be submitted to the county social service agency completing the licensing procedure within a sixty-day time period from the date of the request for license application.
The applicant is expected to cooperate and participate in the licensing process until such time that an application is withdrawn. This includes providing all required information and verification as indicated in section 05-20-15-05.
For renewal of an adult foster care home license, the Division will notify the provider in writing 90 days prior to the expiration date. The provider must contact the County Social Service Agency to obtain required forms and arrange for assistance with completion of the license renewal. Completed documentation must be submitted to the human service center 30 days prior to the expiration date.
Requests for changes in the number of individuals to receive care in the home as indicated on the AFFC license must be made to the local county social services agency.